Thursday, January 25, 2007

Insurance Brokers

Value of Insurance Brokers
The structure and protection provided by an effective insurance program are essential to business and community life.

Brokers are vital components of the business process. They advise business owners and managers on the best ways to “transfer” the inevitable risks they carry as part of doing business.

The role of the broker is to understand the business, identify all the risks, find the best available cover through a range of insurers, assisting the client in understanding options and represent the client's interests in any negotiation with insurers.

Brokers' services enable businesses to plan ahead with the certainty of knowing they have financial protection against loss, injury or any threat to the well-being of their business.

Brokers also provide invaluable help in the event of a claim. They know and understand the system and can simplify a process that is often time-consuming and technically difficult.

And brokers act in the interests of the client, not the insurer.

The broker's role to serve the client's interests with integrity at all times is enshrined in legislation (the Financial Services Reform Act 2004 and the Corporations Act 2001)
as well as the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.