Statewide Insurance Brokers
Welcome to Statewide Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd.... We are a proudly West Australian owned company, formed in 1970. As one of WA's oldest and most respected General Insurance Brokerages, our mission is to provide an expert and exceptional service, acting for our clients in the provision of insurance advice, placement and related financial services. We are authorised to deal and advise in general insurance products to retail and wholesale clients, under AFSL number 231311.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Business Claim Form
You can find a business insurance claim form here:
All claim forms are available on our claims procedures are detailed for your viewing
Statewide FSG - Financial Services Guide
You can find our FSG here:
Please take the time to read our FSG and find out a little more about how Statewide operates.
Steadfast FSG
Steadfast Financial Services Guide
FSG can be found at this link:
Why Use an Insurance Broker ??
Why Use An Insurance Broker?
why not go it alone?!?
Benefits of a broker:
As you’d expect when you consult an insurance company, they endeavour to meet your needs from the specific products and services they have to offer. Inevitably this makes them less flexible. They’d like your business and they certainly don’t want you to shop around.
However, "shopping around" is exactly what a good broker will do, looking for the cover that’s ideally suited to your needs. Brokers make it their business to know what all the major insurance companies can provide and where to get the best value for their clients. Quite simply, an insurance broker can save you time, worry and money.
People often take shortcuts with insurance, failing to understand the fine print or weigh up the many factors that go into making the best deal. All too often they’re disappointed when, down the track, their insurance doesn’t "come to the rescue" in the way they’d hoped.
Brokers provide objective, professional advice based on years of training and experience. They have a comprehensive, current knowledge of the insurance market. As a result, they can locate and negotiate the most competitive premiums on your behalf.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Professional Indemnity Insurance
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
Professional indemnity insurance covers liability for claims arising from a breach of professional duty by reason of any negligent act, error or omission committed on the part of any person employed in the conduct of the business activities.
A feature of virtually all professional indemnity insurances is that the policy is written on a "claims made", rather than an "occurrence" basis. This means that any event or circumstance that may give rise to a claim being made at some time in the future is to be reported to the insurer at the time the event or circumstance is identified. If the notification is made to the insurer during a subsequent insurance period, the insurer may not accept liability in the event the broker has been held liable for the loss or damage.
Why is professional indemnity insurance essential?
The policy is intended to provide a recourse and protection for the consumer in the event of wrongdoing in providing advice and arranging services for clients. Compliance with the policy terms and conditions, particularly relating to the notification and management of potential claim circumstances, is an essential feature of the policy to provide you with the intended cover.
What is the value of professional indemnity insurance?
In the event a client commences an action against the policyholder for negligence, generally the professional indemnity insurer will assume responsibility and manage the claim. This may involve the appointment of legal representation to review the circumstances and documents relating to the broker’s dealings with the client. The insurer will decide its position after examining all of the facts and the evidence provided.
If the insurer accepts that the insured has committed a negligent act and the client suffered a loss as a result, the insurer will settle the claim with the client in behalf of the insured.